AFGE Council 238

We are a nationwide union representing more than 8,000 EPA employees committed to protecting the environment and public health. We are fighting for the rights and resources needed to do our jobs.

Our Fight

EPA workers are under attack. EPA scientists and civil servants are facing government shutdowns, staffing cuts, and intimidation. We’re demanding a fair workplace that ensures we can protect the planet without interference or fear.


signatures on the EPA Workers’ Bill of Rights


members of Congress supporting


new contract

The Results

Over the course of several years, we won a new contract for thousands of EPA employees nationwide in June of 2020. This new contract protects our right to organize, includes language barring discrimination from our workplaces, requires PPE to be provided to employees, and more. But the fight continues as we use the contract to ensure a fair workplace for all EPA employees.

Our Leadership

Marie Owens Powell President AFGE Council 238
Joyce Howell Executive Vice President AFGE Council 238
Bethany Dreyfus
Bethany Dreyfus 1st Vice President AFGE Council 238, President of Local 1236 (Region 9 and NCRFO)
Justin Chen 2nd Vice President AFGE Council 238, President Local 1003 (Region 6)
Kate Tribbett Secretary AFGE Council 238
Kyle Walters Treasurer AFGE Council 238
Edward J. Guster III
Ed Guster Sergeant at Arms AFGE Council 238, President Local 3911
Brad Starnes President Local 3631 (Region 3)
Dianna Myers President Local 534 (Region 4)
Nicole Cantello President Local 704 (Region 5)
Crystal McIntyre President Local 907 (Region 7)
Britta Copt President Local 3607 (Region 8)
Natasha Greaves President Local 1110 (Region 10)
Tricia Paff President Local 3907
Holly Wilson President of AFGE Local 3347
Nathaniel (Nate) James President of AFGE Local 3331
Lilly Simmons President of AFGE Local 3428 (Region 1)

AFGE Council 238 Executive Board

President – Marie Owens Powell
Executive Vice President – Joyce Howell
First Vice President – Bethany Dreyfus
Second Vice President – Justin Chen
Secretary – Kate Tribbett
Treasurer – Kyle Walters
Sergeant at Arms – Ed Guster

Become a Member

Together, we have the power to ensure all EPA employees are treated with dignity and respect. Your membership in AFGE is the most important thing you can do to achieve this collective vision.

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Find Your Local

Join thousands of other EPA employees in the fight for a fair workplace: get involved with your local union!

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