
AFGE Council 238 represents thousands of EPA employees from around the country. Our union is located at various EPA facilities including in Headquarters and in each of the EPA regions and labs.

Find Your Local

AFGE Local 3331

U.S. EPA Headquarters
Washington D.C.
(202) 566-2454
Nathaniel (Nate) James, President
Twitter: @3331Federation
Facebook: AFGE Local 3331

AFGE Local 3347

EPA National Environmental Research Center
Durham, NC
(919) 541-5624
Holly Wilson, President
[email protected]

AFGE Local 3428

EPA Region 1
Boston & Chelmsford, MA
Lilly Simmons, President
Webpage: www.afge.org/local/l3428/
Facebook: www.facebook.com/afge3428/ Twitter:  @afge3428

AFGE Local 534

EPA Region 4
Atlanta, GA
(678) 895-5263
Dianna B. Myers, President
[email protected]
Twitter: @AfgeAtl

AFGE Local 3911

EPA Region 2
New York, NY
(212) 637-4042
Ed Guster, President
[email protected]

AFGE Local 704

EPA Region 5
Chicago, IL
(773) 206-8131
Nicole Cantello, President
Webpage: afgelocal704.org
Twitter: @704afge
Facebook: AFGELocal704

AFGE Local 3631

EPA Region 3
Philadelphia, PA
Brad Starnes, President
Webpage: www.afge3631.org
Email: [email protected]

AFGE Local 1003

EPA Region 6 and ORD in Ada, OK
Dallas, TX
Justin Chen, President:
[email protected]
Facebook: AFGE 1003

AFGE Local 907

EPA Region 7
Lenexa, KS
Crystal McIntyre, President
[email protected]

AFGE Local 1236

EPA Region 9 and EPA National Center for Radiation Field Operations
San Francisco, CA and Las Vegas, NV
Bethany Dreyfus, President

AFGE Local 3607

EPA Region 8 and National Enforcement Investigations Center (NEIC)
Denver, CO and Helena, MT
(303) 941-3696
Britta Copt, President
[email protected]

AFGE Local 1110

EPA Region 10 and ORD PESD
Seattle, WA
(206) 660-2001
Natasha Greaves, President
[email protected]

AFGE Local 3907

EPA Office of Transportation and Air Quality
National Vehicle and Fuel Emissions Laboratory
Ann Arbor, MI
Tricia Paff, President
[email protected]
Facebook: AFGE Local 3907

Become a Member

Together, we have the power to ensure all EPA employees are treated with dignity and respect. Your membership in AFGE is the most important thing you can do to achieve this collective vision.

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